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Mandala by Novella Maia

May 30/31, 2003
9:20 p.m. PDT (5/30)
12:15 a.m. EDT (5/31)

Sun and Moon joined at
9.20 Gemini

<< "The Fairy Ring" mandala by Novella Maia

Sabian Symbol: "Aeroplane, after a nose-dive, rights itself gracefully." Capacity to plunge into experience without surrendering one's principles or self-control. Self-expansion through sacrifice.
What does listening to the zodiac do for us at each moon cycle?  It attunes us to the yet living quality of this ancient rhythm.  It sharpens our senses to new ways to bring ourselves forth.  It puts us on the alert -- as an animal living in the wild -- to something new in the air...

Gemini New Moon 'Scope

by Dana Gerhardt

A solar eclipse and three major planetary events in the wings make this a wiggly new moon, befitting its Sabian symbol, "An airplane performing a nose dive." The airplane challenges gravity and if you keep your spirit light and spacious, you can likewise break free of something that's been dragging you down. This week is what Gary Goldschneider (The Secret Language of Birthdays) calls "The Week of Freedom." It's break-out time: change the rules, be ready for quick decisions; a surprising opportunity may come knocking. Jupiter's opposition to Neptune is exact on June 2nd… dreams can come true. The enthusiasm of this aspect can carry you past imagined limitations. But be sure to read the fine print. And if there's no fine print, make sure you're not diving into a mirage.

Imagine fine gold cords running from your feet and tail bone into the center of the earth… gentle grounding rituals can help you make the most of this time. Gemini cycles are for exploring and learning, for practicing flexibility and open-mindedness. All of which are especially useful during the weeks before and after an eclipse. You're ending one chapter of your life and entering another. How important is this eclipse for you? Look back to your prior experience with this eclipse degree-nineteen years ago in May of 1984 and, more recently, in late November of 1993.

Also important this cycle are the following changes: Saturn enters Cancer and Uranus goes retrograde. Since Gemini needs to know everything, be sure to read about these powerful transitions below!

© 2003 Dana Gerhardt
All rights reserved

By Lynn Koiner

Saturn enters a new sign every 2 ½ years and it repeats a sign every 28 years. Saturn has been in Cancer from 1915 through early 1917, 1944-46 and 1974 through early 1976. I have observed a trend of civil rights activism that commences with Saturn in Cancer. We lost Presidents Roosevelt and Nixon in 2 successive Saturn in Cancer transits. Since the splitting of the atom, Saturn in Cancer has marked an initial detonation of an atomic bomb - by the U.S. and India. In 1974, inflation climbed and the DOW was at half of its high in 1972. The price of oil climbs as well. Yet, science and technology flourished at this time -- computers, faxes, word processors, Microsoft and Apple!

My friend, Jim Webb, has predicted another Watergate-type scandal for Bush during the period extending from the Autumn 2003 through Summer 2004. While the Watergate break-in occurred when Saturn was in Gemini, the charges against Nixon came when Saturn entered Cancer. Saturn will enter Cancer on June 4, being at a critical 0 degree from June 4 through 11. In October through first half November, it begins to cross Bush's Sun sign at 13 degrees Cancer. Saturn only goes to 13E° Cancer 14' -- Bush's Sun is 13E°47', so it is not quit exact until the first half June 2004. June 2004 will be more critical for Bush and his well-being. The Saturn in Cancer cycle is very bad for our economy. As I have predicted, the economy will only start to inch upward during the 2nd half 2004 but recovery will not occur unti 2008.

URANUS TURNS RETROGRADE - June 7 through November 8 2003:

Uranus tends to be more potent and more Uranian when retrograde. When Uranus is direct in the natal chart, intuitive and inventive impulses flow on a regular basis but, when it is retrograde, this energy builds to a certain level and then it explodes forth as in a "Eureka!" experience. In this building-up process, Uranus tends to be more potent and more willfully dogmatic. Uranus' retrograde motion tends to stimulate deep psychological investigation and analysis. Its research, however, seeks answers that satisfies the mind and explains "Why?". This is frequently observed in people who have Uranus retrograde natally as they make mountains out of molehills in their quest to know WHY! Obviously, this is an excellent time for mental studies that explore human behavior and psychology. It favors activities that require bursts of inventive and intuitive energy. It favors psychological counseling connected with freedom urges and disconnected patterns of relating.

When Uranus is retrograde natally, the rebellious urges tend to bottle up, bottle up and then burst forth seemingly out of nowhere. This stems from the fact that these people need to make changes internally before they can manifest them in the external world. During this "processing" phase, the individual rarely realizes just how rebellious he or she is. When Uranus transits retrograde, it will reawaken freedom urges causing the individual to suddenly rebel against any ruts or confinement in the life. I feel that it is better to process what needs to change while Uranus is retrograde and actualize the change when it turns direct. The retrograde simply makes you aware but it is generally not wise to impulsively act upon an awareness.

© 2003 Lynn Koiner
All rights reserved

 Drop into our Mooncircle for June/July 2003:

  • The daily moon sign, phase and aspects... 
    "At the New Moon refresh your animal nature, senses awake, happily, simply aware of being alive..." (Today's Moon)
  • New Moon Meditation, with Jean Hinson Lall: Wrestling With the Dark Twin

    " The Gemini in mythology are the twins, the light and dark brothers (or sisters) who represent the two sides to every question and the two paths open to us at any fork in the road. This motif has such psychological juice that it continually resurfaces in dream, fantasy and melodrama. If you're a soap opera fan, count the number of characters on your favorite programs who have turned out to have an Evil Twin, or at least a long-lost twin with a drastically different personality. If you've been watching for more than a few years, you will need all ten fingers. And notice how as they grapple with each other, the darker traits of the "bad" twin often surface in the "good" twin. In reality the two are halves of one whole, and each needs to reclaim some of its missing qualities from the other.. ...." 
    (New Moon Meditations)

  • Season Teachings, with Dana:  Jump into the World. "

    With everything moving at such inflated speed, my advice this season may seem strange. But especially if the world seems heavier this year, if you've lost your ability to communicate with your dear ones, this is the month to lighten your spirit. The secret to Gemini's month is not to take your quest for knowledge too seriously. At least once this season abandon your obligations and honor your mischievous child. Let your gurus be the Cat in the Hat and Curious George. Pick one day, one afternoon, one morning, when your inner adult takes a snooze. Then follow that itchy little spirit within. This creates a vacuum into which Gemini's magic can rush like a giddy wind..."
    Season Teachings

  • Join us for a Full Moon ritual on June 14.
  • And you're always welcome to take up the Talking Chalice!
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