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Mandala by Novella Maia

September 25, 2003
8:09 p.m. PDT (9/25/03)
11:09 p.m. EDT

Sun and Moon joined at
2.38 Libra

<< "Salmon Run" mandala by Novella Maia -- click on image for larger view

Sabian Symbol:  The dawn of a new day reveals everything changed; the ever-present possibility of beginning again on a new foundation of values.
What does listening to the zodiac do for us at each moon cycle?  It attunes us to the yet living quality of this ancient rhythm.  It sharpens our senses to new ways to bring ourselves forth.  It puts us on the alert -- as an animal living in the wild -- to something new in the air...

Libra New Moon 'Scope

by Dana Gerhardt

What's in the sky this month?

Last month, on the day Mars was closest to earth, a good friend's divorce was finally completed, I closed escrow on a new home… milestone events in our personal lives that certainly weren't caused by the near orbit of Mars. Nonetheless, Mars kept us company this summer. We watched its spectacular yellow-orange light grow brighter and were reminded of things bigger and more mysterious than our own little dramas. It was a comfort. And it's good to note that just because an astronomical event is rare (Mars hasn't been this close in over 50,000 years) it doesn't always signal unimagined horrors or ascensions. Sky portents often mean what we take them to mean. To my friend and I, Mars was a portent of new personal independence and strength. Hopefully Mars' visit this summer also meant a positive milestone for you.

Mars is still a significant presence in the night sky, rising an hour before sunset and reaching its highest point in the southern sky by midnight. But fitting for this Venus-ruled Libra month, beauty-and peace-bringing Venus will also soon be a dazzling evening presence. On Friday (September 26), if you look carefully, fifteen minutes after sunset you'll see a faint Venus and a slim New Moon right on the south-western horizon. Watch for Venus to glow brighter and longer in the coming weeks.

Thomas Aquinas believed in both good and bad angels. The bad angels work by thwarting our efforts, emboldening our enemies, and generally stressing us out. The happy news this cycle is that the bad angels are taking a break. This is one of calmest New Moon charts we've seen in some time. Mercury stationed direct just days before this New Moon. Mars will be turning direct two days later (September 27). The mischievous energies that have frustrated and confused us for the past two months have all left town. The only aspect made by the Libra Sun and Moon is an easy trine to poetic Neptune - like a rainbow coming into view just after a storm.

The Libra Moon cycle is always about regaining our equilibrium. This steadying of our spirit is meant to ready us for the Fall and Winter months ahead. As this cycle is poised between two relatively stressful periods-the retrogrades of the past month and the coming November eclipses-it would be a shame to miss this special Libra opportunity to restore inner balance and grace. Put yourself on tactical alert - noting all those moments you find yourself at war - with your loved ones, the traffic, your kitchen toaster, the world. At that very moment, apply a Libran remedy and shift focus into your opponent's view. Instead of defending yourself, imagine how you look from the other's eyes. (Your toaster might find you quite ridiculous - or perhaps, divine!)

Libra's ruler Venus is squaring Saturn in the New Moon chart. Take responsibility for your own happiness and apply new strategies, fitting for air sign Libra. With air signs, the emotions can be dried out, becoming as light and harmless as laundry fluttering on a line. You can learn from your feelings now, rather than being overwhelmed by them. Air signs work through detachment and mental analysis. Be alert for the new understandings that come when you can acknowledge the multiple sides of any issue. Make your peace with what is. The calmer your mind, the more stable the ground beneath your feet. This will put you in the proper state for next month's eclipses!

© 2003 Dana Gerhardt
All rights reserved

 Drop into our Mooncircle for September/October 2003:
  • The daily moon sign, phase and aspects... 
    "At the New Moon refresh your animal nature, senses awake, happily, simply aware of being alive..." (Today's Moon)
  • New Moon Meditation, with Jean Hinson Lall: The Dawning of a New Day.

    " As children we are at the center of our parents' world and radiate our power and vitality like little suns. The solar self-absorption and sense of invulnerability carry us through the challenges of youth, providing the energy and confidence needed for growth and maturation. Then comes the realization that we are not the center of the universe after all, but must live in partnership with others, deferring to their wishes and needs, collaborating, sharing, testing our ideas and measuring our behavior against a collective standard. Fairness and justice now become paramount concerns....."  (New Moon Meditations)  

  • Season Teachings, with Dana and Pythia: Libra and Aphrodite's Spirit of Beauty.

    " Autumn is the last of the harvest months… and it is a healing month. Particularly this year, after the chaotic energies of summer, Libra brings a welcome respite. Find your peace this month through attunement with Libra qualities. Pythia Peay, my MoonCircles partner, identified Libra's mysteries as "the spirit of beauty and humanity's unending quest to learn how to better love each other in the intimate sphere of day-to-day relationship." Pythia is currently on a writing hiatus, but in Libra's spirit of honoring our partners, I'm moved to bring her voice into this seasonal message. The following reprise of an earlier MoonCircles article concludes with an inspiring meditation on Aphrodite that can center you in Libra's strength..." (Season Teachings)

  •   Join us for the Full Moon on October 10.

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